Stress Resistance vs. Resilience
What’s the difference and which is better?
Resilience is the ability to adapt to significant adversity and tWhat’s the difference and which is better?
Resilience is the ability to adapt to significant adversity and trauma, to recover quickly, to bounce back. Resilient individuals may have an acute stress reaction after going through a traumatic incident. They may go into a tail-spin and suffer temporary symptoms such as sleeplessness, shock, anxiety, disbelief, and depression. But it is temporary and within a month they get back to normal. It may not be exactly the same state as before. It may be what’s referred to as a “new normal”, which is a little higher or lower than the old emotional state, but it is a state of homeostasis and the individual will be fully functioning.rauma, to recover quickly, to bounce back. Resilient individuals may have an acute stress reaction after going through a traumatic incident. They may go into a tail-spin and suffer temporary symptoms such as sleeplessness, shock, anxiety, disbelief, and depression. But it is temporary and within a month they get back to normal. It may not be exactly the same state as before. It may be what’s referred to as a “new normal”, which is a little higher or lower than the old emotional state, but it is a state of homeostasis and the individual will be fully functioning.
A non-resilient individual by contrast would not recover from the tail-spin and would not get back to normal, and would have long-term functional impairments, and potentially PTSD.
A person who has a high level of stress resistance would never have the tail-spin in the first place. Whatever the crisis was, it would just be a small blip and then life as normal continues without any acute stress reaction.
Isn’t it better to be resistant to stress then? Not in all circumstances. After going through serious trauma it would be normal and natural to have some stress reaction. That’s what makes us human. If you don’t have some acute stress reaction after a loved one dies, then you might just be a psychopath!
Where we need to develop stress resistance is in our regular work and family life. People that suffer from stress reactions from routine day-to-day issues will potentially develop psychological and physiological problems needlessly.
So it’s ok to let yourself have an acute stress reaction when you go through the odd significant trauma in life, but it’s not ok when it’s from dealing with a bad boss that you see everyday! So the same person may be resilient in some circumstances and stress resistant in other circumstances, and that is healthy.
Resistance and resilience are developed in the same way. Incorporate the resiliency factors into your life and it will grow your levels of both resistance and resilience. I will continue adding posts about the various characteristics and behaviours that will make you immune to the stress caused by the demands of the modern workplace, and give you the ability to bounce back after a major crushing blow to life as you know it.
This ability will help you create long term success and happiness.
(Thanks to my daughter Melissa for creating the graphs to illustrate the point better.)